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Muhammad Hafiz known as FIZZ
Republic Polytechnic AerospaceAvionics
Currently 18

My Music

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Atikahsyahirah :)
Albania :)
Din :)
Dhirah :)
D'yraa :)
Farah Chai Chee :)
Geraldine :)
Hafeez :)
Hazlinda :)
Ifaa :)
Izzul :)
Iqah Vampire :)
Jolee mofo :)
Jazlyn :)
Kubbon :)
Mei Shan :)
Maman Cinonet :)
Myra :)
Nina :)
Najob Chai Chee:)
Rainee :)
Raudah BF :)
Sasha :)
Sue mofo :)
Shalala :)
Shamyn :)
Siti :)
WaiLong :)
Yannee :)
Roziana :)
Say Something


♥ rewinds

May 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010

♥ Kudos

Designer: lalaholic
Base code: %25PURPLE.illusions-
Background: rewindd

♥Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Am i wasting my time?? Isit really gonna go where i think its gonna be?? It was so good till the nxt day came.. am i being too sensitive?? Time will tell :)

yours sincerely. X3
9:46 PM


This wekend was just plain boring weekend. Saturday morning had to wake up effing early to go for counseling. Wy my mom have to sign me up to such things?? am i that bad ?? Well i just went there with my mom n talk crap with the counselor. soo after my dad came. HAIZ. ape lah nk jadi hafiz LOL. Then Sunday came. had effing madrasah in the morning-.-. Went cak from madrasah then straight away spend time with my lil bro. i havent meet him for 2 effing long weeks. I MISS HIM ALOT.!! walk him, tickle him n i like to kiss his cheeks. it has been a habit for me to kiss baby's cheeks ah. TK BOLE TAHAN.!!! hahaha lol.. Then afternoon had to go to my granny's house to help wipe her window panels n grills-.-. SUMPAH SWEAR(inside joke) i lazy.. haha frens ask me out that day but had to cancel with them.. suay ah

Ms Photogenic preparing hard at work :)

k lets talk about yesterday.. me n ALBANIAA planned tknk masuk class on that day.. jahat ppl lah kn.. HEHE. so i met her then teman her go bugis to buy her dress for Miss SAS pageant.. which was like a big thing for her.. haiyo.. baru SAS bkan nye the whole college..hehe but cant deny the show was really happening.. so after that went causeway jap buy my rantai n went bck sch coz poor Albaniaa need to study for the pageant.. damn they give loads of question.. if i was her i would have gave up. respect for her effort. So skrg da dpt award MS PHOTOGENIC lah sey.. wooo.. mesti suke nye kn?? HAHAHA
Sorie that i cant attend the whole pageant thing. So after that i went to vivo with my Coolio RP frens.. woo.. go there to buke ah.. HAHA some of us ate at chicken rice ape entalah(forget ah the name ah) while others like me yg tk cukup duit go makan chicken rice yg cheaper at banquet. HAHA. wat to do.. tkde duit uat hal tkde duit lah.. LOL after eating we went to CANDY EMPIRE. if i got money i sure buy seh. luckily syed boght this choc turkish delight n shared with everyone.. YUMM then suddenly left me syed naqi. zee wei jing n nonok hilang.. but then found out they go subway buy cookie.. again if i got money i buy sia.. SWAY. but lucky they are good frens who wanna share some cookie n chocs with me.. WEEeee.!! :D after that went to follow naqi . He wanted to buy shoes from ALDO. But then all of us end up window shopping. HAHHA went into NIKE, ZARA, TOPMAN, ADIDAS, PULL n BEAR... n many more LOL... when tired redi we went to "buy" drinks n stuff at giantbefore heading to the sky park to lepak .We smoke, talk crap, watch silly vidoes n went bck hme..HAHA

somebody wants you

somebody needs you

somebody dreams about you every single night

somebody cant breath

without you is lonely

somebody hopes that one day you will see

that sombody's ME.!! =D


yours sincerely. X3
1:50 PM

♥Friday, September 26, 2008

Yesterday went buke-ing with Rozzy and Albania plus 2 of their frens. We buke-ing at KFC causeway point. Makan2 , talk crap , take pictures n stuff. But one thing that was funny is that that one of thieir friends have a crush on Albania. He is so tall n super duper kental looking. It was so damn funny. i remember Albania told me that guy jeling bcoz some resons. HAHAHA. Jealousy.!! LOL XD

After eating, we went out to smoke. Thanks to rozzy(cigarette supplier of the day) HAHA.Smoke, take picture , crap around. Then came their 2 friends again. They wanna meet ALbania. HAHAHAA. That guy funny sia. Albania showed me the pictures thay took together at that time. wanted to laugh but just gigle je lah. Tkde nnt Albania marah. right Albania?? HAHAHA. After that contnued smoing again n again. Thnks to Rozzy again.HAHA

After that we took bus bck hme. Poor ALbania kene gi yishun amek baju from kak sedare for monday. Ade SAS pageant or sumthing like that lah kan. HAHA. so teman her take bus ah. N thats what happen. here are some pics from yesterday.
Thnx Albania -.-

I shud have cropped of rozzy's face. HAHA

Mind my hair :D
Same here :D
Their trademark :D

What am i feeling?? another heartbreaker or a new beginning?? what shall i do..??


yours sincerely. X3
12:37 PM

♥Monday, September 15, 2008

Hey there people.. sorry for the late update.. thnx NINA i get to update my blog :D

Last Friday after school went to Fadyl's sis house with syed , wei jing , joell.. went there to play this game called ROCK BAND.. AWESOME.. i love it alot.. sang my heart out though i know my voic isint that nice.. HAHA wth just wanted enjoy playing the game.. At ard 11 + we decided to make a move.. so we need to take a bus to LAKESIDE mrt station.. n guess wat... we took the open-air doubledecker bus AGAIN.. It was like just passe few days ago i took tat kinda bus n wondered when will i take this kinda bus again n that was it.. it came that time.. i was so happy n took some pics.. Inside the bus was just hilarious... me syed n joell plus wei jing were popping our heads out of the window n shouted to passerby.. i was shouting wei wei wei... HAHAHHA LOL it was hilarious.. ppl were walking or riding a bike turning ard wondering who was it.. LOL Then we took the last train hme... here's the pics..

Me n Syed was just too excited :D

Crazy People :D

Back view..

I got another wierd picture.!!!

Wierd man covering his eyes with a handkerchief in the bus..HAHA

i was taking this bus to my dad's house from my mom's n saw that guy.. i was shocked n quietly took this pic... its not everyday i see this kinda things so i took this pic lor.. HAHA..

klah till then.. :D

yours sincerely. X3
5:32 PM

♥Thursday, September 11, 2008

The person who tag you is?
Raudah BF :)

Your relationship with him/her is?
bestfriend :D

Your five impressions of him/her?
Easily make ppl laugh , laugh ALOT , friendly , caring , BESTFRIEND :D

The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
Come my class help me do codes(Computing module) :D

The most memorable thing he/she had said to you?
Im her bestfriend tersayang.. awww :D

If he/she become your lover, you will?
Bestfriend will do good :D

If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be?
Control her laughter.. HAHA :D

If he/she become your enemy, you will?
Dun fren you ! HUR.. :D

If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be?
I got a new bestfriend.!! (u noe i noe) hahaha..

The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is.
Be her most tersayang bestfriend.. HAHA :D

Your overall impression of him/her is.
Hahahahahahhaahaa... laugh laugh laugh XD

How you think people around you will feel about you?
I dunnoe.. cute?? LOL jkjk

The characters you love of yourself are.

On the contrary, the characteristics you hate most about yourself are?
Quite sensitive..

The most ideal person you want to be is.
Professional soccer player... HAHA(mcm phm)

For people that care and like you, say something to them.
Alikatok... thank you very de much... love you all... HUGSSS :D

Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you pass to people that have blog only.
1. Raudah BF
2. D'yraa
3. Faizsepet
4. Maman cinonet
5. Nina
6. Albania
7. Izzul
8. Sasha
9. Roziana
10. Jazlynn

Who is no.6 having relationship with?
idk... haha

Is no.9 a male or female?
Ferocious Female.. hahaha

If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
haha maybe?? hu knows.?? :D

What is no.2 studying about?
nemw media i think? nt too sure.

When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
afew days ago?

What kind of music band does no.8 like?
oh she's universal... haha :D

Does no.1 have any siblings?

Will you woo no.3?
oh cnt2.. later his Gf kill me. She firece..!! HAHA

How about no.7?
Oh no that guy horny all the time.!! LOL

Is no.4 single?
enta ehk?? tk agaknye.. haha

What is the surname of no.5?
HAHA.. malay got surname meh???

What’s the hobby of no.10?
Pinch guys.!!! Damn painfull.. HAHA :D

Here you go RAUDAH...! :D

yours sincerely. X3
12:43 PM

♥Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sorie for the late update.. Had many problems to handle.. sway ah.. :(

K let me tell u about yesterday first.. i reli had fun in class yesterday.. getting more closer to my new classmates.. BEST.!! HAHA n Jing Pei , u better not laugh ah. i noe y but dont.. Not very nice..LOL Basically my class got this indian girl. When se speak , i can laugh my ass off.. LOL yesterday during presenting was damn funny. I think half of the class was gigling all the way when she was presenting. EVEN HER TEAMMATE.. LOL.. i could not tahan but just laugh all the way..thnx to JING PEI.!! haha.. after school went to play soccer with , joell, syed, ahpek, cam, mathew, joachim n hafiz(just got to know him).. then had our breaksfast at HOUSE OF LOBSTER( dunno halal or not)LOL... then we went bck home..

As for today....i took the coolest bus to sch.. HAHA
view from my seat.. :D

Window was cool..

window again.. WOOOOoooo..!!

The other side of the bus.. The WINDOW..HAHA

Yea its a double decker open air bus.. soo old school but COOooll.. i was so excited(dunno why) but i was so mesmerized by the bus. btw its bus 154.. im sure u guys will be mesmerized to get inside this bus.. the feeling is getting back to the late 80s..(lame) though i was nvr born that time.. HAHA but u must admit that its a cool bus.. i wonder when will i ride that kinda bus again..

Now im in sch during 2nd breakout. Just went up smoking with new classmates(nvr fast due to reasons.. uzur agaknye.. LOL).. n afiqrayyan is an irrtating busted.. kanina cibai pala buto.!!! he's sick in the mind...now disturbing me with his paperairplane which says "Pornstar Airways".. Truly sick in the mind.. HAHAHA
till then :D

yours sincerely. X3
1:42 PM

♥Friday, September 5, 2008

Had a problematic night. will not say more..:(

yours sincerely. X3
9:59 AM

♥Thursday, September 4, 2008

having a crush. wat shud i do. scared of consequences bcoz of bad encounters in the past. oh how shud i do this?? wat will my next step be?? y am i so negative?? so many questions running through my mind..

Yesterday was my first day in sch for semester 2.. new classmates.!! overall they are ok but not that fun or happening. maybe we were shy n all... we'll see how things go in the future. haha.. n btw.. i forgot to do my RJ yesterday.. WTF.. hahaha n now im in class(2nd day semester 2).. now break ah so update my blog ah.. LOL..

aniwaez today is Albania birhtday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALBANIA.. wierd name.. first time got here that kinda name.. LOL. bought her tolberone(nt sure spelling correct not..haha) she was so happy. at first she tot i baught her kurma..wth nemind.. she say im sweet.. wah so honoured.. wat if the "ehem" call me that.. WAH.!! i willsure cair till i drop on the floor.. LOL till then.. wakakaka..


yours sincerely. X3
10:16 AM

♥Monday, September 1, 2008

Yamaha YZF R125.!!!

I was bored. So i went to watch motorbike videos on youtube. I decided to search on Yamaha R125 which is my "currently favourite" bike. It was awesome. Though im abit dissapointed that it's top speed was just ard 135km/h. But still the design of the bike is just fantastic. I could easily drool by just looking at it.. how i wish i have one for myself.. HAHA. It's a 4 stroke bike so fuel wont be too heavy on me( as if i have one) I guess its still ok to have one in singapore. Can't wait for my birthday so that i can enrol for my bike license.. LOL(havent 18 lah). when i get my license then see how lor. Whether i can afford to buy it. Price check 2999pound (dunno singapore price).. HAHA meanwhile here are some other pics of the bike.. WOOHOOO..

yours sincerely. X3
12:54 AM