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Muhammad Hafiz known as FIZZ
Republic Polytechnic AerospaceAvionics
Currently 18

My Music

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Atikahsyahirah :)
Albania :)
Din :)
Dhirah :)
D'yraa :)
Farah Chai Chee :)
Geraldine :)
Hafeez :)
Hazlinda :)
Ifaa :)
Izzul :)
Iqah Vampire :)
Jolee mofo :)
Jazlyn :)
Kubbon :)
Mei Shan :)
Maman Cinonet :)
Myra :)
Nina :)
Najob Chai Chee:)
Rainee :)
Raudah BF :)
Sasha :)
Sue mofo :)
Shalala :)
Shamyn :)
Siti :)
WaiLong :)
Yannee :)
Roziana :)
Say Something


♥ rewinds

May 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010

♥ Kudos

Designer: lalaholic
Base code: %25PURPLE.illusions-
Background: rewindd

♥Wednesday, October 29, 2008

FUCKING PISSED OFF.. last time i lend my friend 1 of my headfones then when i wanted to use back one of the sides spoil as in cannot hear. First time nevermind, i let it go. Then i lend him another headfone which was the ONTO headfone. Again the same thing happen. Nehmind, i let it go again. Then i lend him my mp3 since im not using it at the moment. Then just recently i told him i wanted it back.Guess wat..!!!!! HE LOST IT. GOD.!!! how unresposible can a person be???? I fucking need an MP3 rite now.!!! plus i cant afford to buy one now coz need to pay my fines n stuff.!!! N plus i need to buy a new earpiece coz now all my earpiece is spoil. Lucky ur my close fren.. DAMN..
Just now went shisha-ing with Aryfin n his girlfriend. It was ok ah.. chat n all. But shisha-ing with them felt abit wierd. They were showing some affection n i was left helpless with no one by my side... During the shisha setion i thought of buying some food coz i was effing hungry. But then Aryfin's parents came out of nowhere to fetch us home. WTF?? i was just about to ask for the menu. N so i had my dinner at home..
Sorry no pictures..HAHA
"Tmr , Joell's CHALET.. drinks all around people..Woooo.!!!"

yours sincerely. X3
10:40 PM

♥Monday, October 27, 2008

I guess im finally moving on now. Have not been thinking about u as much. Sorry if i was such an irritant. Im done with this people. Im moving onnnnn... :)


yours sincerely. X3
1:11 AM

♥Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Isit a crush or is it more?!?! You made me think of it. This feeling i have is just undescribable. N u know it. A crush can be ignored easily but this is just too strong to be called a crush. ISIT? Im not sure. Well i hav fallen deep down inside and im trying to climb back out of this. IT TAKES TIME.n it takes longer than i thought.!!Its almost a month n i still cant get u out of my head. Well lets not worry too much. N one more thing. Dun feel guilty. It was never your fault. :D

This morning i logged on to leo n guessed wat i found out. I got my frist grade A since i step inside RP. I swear i havent get even 1 A before. Neither daily grade nor UTs. I got it from entreprise. Wooo.. Aniwaes u can see that my grade is improving. it used to be All Cs and most of them are Ds and Fs or X. Plus got alot of downgrade by 0.5 bcoz late. But now its clean n grades are getting better n im happy about it. :D

This is proof to those who think i will never get an A.!!!! Im happy with my grades..


yours sincerely. X3
12:39 PM

♥Monday, October 20, 2008

Eastinct FC :)
Yesterday went JLN RAYA with Eastinct FC players. It was SUPER fun. This is our first time going out rayaing with CARS. Thnx to Fawwaz n Haikel who already passed their driving license. WOOooo... btw they were using their dads car. So there were me, sufian, khai, haikel, fawwaz, faritz, fairuz, sam. The top picture in the NS suite is WAN. Kesian die kene masuk camp alek. HAHAHA. We went house to house. Almost every house got food. Damn i was full. Sumore the day before i ate like 5 house.!?!? All eat 2 times. I think i got belly redi. HAIZ..Last house was at khai's. Then we planned to lepak. But then Haikel got this idea to wash his dad's car. The sam also wanted to wash his motorbike. We called Aryfin to join us ang Marzuki also came down to wash his bike as well. So we went off to wash ah.. went to multistorey carpark at haikel's house there..

Faritz n ME..

Random pose :D

Ooooo Ciggies... HAHA

Candid ah..

Scrub Scrub Scrub..

After scrubbing we went shisha for awhile. Thankx to Aryfin who brought the stuff. Sadly Marzuki n Sam need to help out Hafiz taik with his bike.

Aryfin preparing the shisha..

Almost readi..

Reach home 2 am.. Now in class damn sleepy... haiz..

"What i can do now is just wave n smile :)"


yours sincerely. X3
12:05 PM

♥Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Joachim :D
Finally 18 ah. LOL

Yesterday went to Lau Pa Sat to celebrate his birthday. Fucking alot of people went down to celebrate. But sadly my bdae was just about 3/4 of them :( HAHA. but its ok. All of us ate then DRINKS ALL AROUND.. WoooooOOO... HAHA k i admit i drink too.. was stress with stuff so i couldnt control myself. Fell down a few times. Sorry to my fellow frens if i troubled them yesterday :). K while drinking we took out THE birthday cake which my bdae dun have :( HAHA. Sang the song then everybody had their share. I swear i coundt finish my piece as i was too bloated. Some pictures from yesterday..

Candid.. wth

Stupid face..N to my frens. Sorry if the post is offencesive or for my buddies "ROSAK". but i just felt like posting this.

Lost n still finding my way out.Drinking is not the rite way but i couldnt help myself :(

Im sorry people..


yours sincerely. X3
3:32 PM

♥Monday, October 13, 2008

My friends see me as the usual me, normal and smiling like i used too. But deep inside im crying and unable to hold myself up. Im still thinking of you with everybeat of my heart. i just cant stop thinking about you. you make me feel love after such a long time. N now u just walk away. it hurts alot.!! now i feel the pain that u felt previously. How can i overpass this. Many say my feelings will fade as time goes by but i doubt so.. maybe it will take a longer time. I DUNNO.!! To be truthfull, i am hoping for a miracle...


yours sincerely. X3
2:16 PM

Birthday Boy.!! :D
Happy Birthday Abdul Qadir.. My half Bro... we have the same dad but diff mom.. get it?
he's 2 yrs old already (so fast). he's the cutest baby ever n i love him much much.. HAHA..
His birhday was yesterday n was busy spending time with him. so today i post a birthday post just for him .!!! :D


yours sincerely. X3
8:47 AM

♥Friday, October 10, 2008

Im taking a step back.. not proceeding any further..just frens will do.. no more than that.. im through with what had happened. Thnks to my bestfriend, i will try n avoid this feeling.. :) N to you, no need to feel bad. Sooner or later ill be fine.. :)

n btw ill update more often yea.. sorry for the late updates :D


yours sincerely. X3
5:26 PM

♥Sunday, October 5, 2008

Well today went JLN RAYA with dad n step mom plus all my siblings..went to my makcik n pakcik houses from my dad's side...sorie no pics coz malas nk upload. i cant believe im not in the mood even though tomorrow is my bdae.. ;(

'its been a long time since i tear up bcoz of a girl'



yours sincerely. X3
9:45 PM

Everytime our conversations cut off, question marks pop up in my head.!!!


yours sincerely. X3
9:24 AM

My heart fell.... i just dont know how u fell abt me right now. Im at my happiest moments when im with you, everytime we meet. but everytime we msg or chat, our conversation cut off just like that. it seems like the opposite. To top it off, many guys like u n i feel threatened by them. its just that i dun really like to show or tell how i feel. i would always choose to hide coz im too shy to say. but i guess thats what blogs are for. to express ur feeling n hopefully the person would read it. well u know who u r... i will make a move real soon i guess..

Labels: ,

yours sincerely. X3
1:12 AM

♥Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wooooooooooo :D

Yesterday was the first day of HARI RAYA.!! wooo.. Super fun day.. HAHA but tiring ah..
Went to 3 dif houses that day.. meet ppl , relatives , salam2 n mintak maaf.. HAHA. i Get to meet my damn cute adeks wee.. k here are soe pics..

CUTE EH.!!! mcm abg nye jgak.. lol :P

K as my bdae is ard the corner, my mom decided to celebrate my bdae that day.. first time celebrate my bdae during hari raya.. I was super happy ah.. hard to explain coz its been a long time since my family really celebrate my bdae. N for ur info, my younger sis bdae is tha same as mine.. exactly one yr difference. shocking eh..!! LOL .. n for ur info my bdae is 6th october.. so better get redi with presents ya .!!! :D

(according to my mom):D

Bite off my sis name.. Muahahaha..

"Missing someone :("


yours sincerely. X3
12:50 PM